Visitors information
[Last updated 9 June 2023]
COVID-19 Patient Admission & Visitor Update
General Visitor Update
As always, the protection of our patients and staff is our highest priority.
Visiting hours are between 5pm-7pm for two visitors only. No RAT test required for visitors, exception is Maternity only who are required a RAT test prior to visiting.
Please phone Maternity manager for Maternity visiting hours and visitor regulations 9468 0522.
Compassionate circumstances will be considered on request and will require approval of the General Manager.
We apologise for the inconvenience and hardship this may cause, but appreciate your understanding of the need to keep patients as safe as possible during these challenging times. Please contact your loved one by telephone or device, and our friendly staff will support regular digital drop-ins so you can keep in touch.
All elective surgical patients require a negative RAT result before presenting to Northpark Hospital.
Carers of patients under the age of 18 or a nominated carer for a vulnerable patient also require a negative RAT test result.
General Patient Admission Update
All elective surgical patients require a negative Covid test result before presenting to Northpark Hospital.
Carers of patients under the age of 18 or a nominated carer for a vulnerable patient also require a negative Covid test result.
Covid tests are to be done on the morning of their day of surgery.
Northpark Private Hospital has limited parking so we encourage patients to have family members or a friend drop them off and pick them up before and after their admission in the designated drop off zones at the front of the hospital.
The entrance to the car park is on Greenhills Road.
Parking is also available in adjacent streets but please take note of council restrictions.
Northpark Private Hospital car park charges:
- 0 to 30 minutes - No Charge
- 30 minutes to 1 hour - $9.00
- Between 1 and 2 hours - $14.00
- Between 2 and 3 hours - $18.00
- Between 3 and 4 hours - $22.00
- Between 4 and 8 hours - $28.00
- Between 8 and 24 hours - $32.00
Lost Ticket - $32.00 per day
*All prices include GST
Mastercard and Visa credit cards are accepted on entry and exit at the gates or at the pay station.
How do I pay?
You will need to pay for your parking before returning to your vehicle.
Patients, carer's and visitors can pay for parking using either of the Automated Pay Stations which are located in the foyer of the main building of the hospital and the foyer of the Plenty Road consulting suites building.
Drop off Zones at Hospital Entrance
Northpark Private Hospital is committed to ensuring our services are accessible to everyone requiring our assistance and provides areas where patients and visitors can be dropped off.
These zones are located outside the main entrance to the hospital and plenty road consulting suites and are subject to the following restrictions:
- Free disabled parking is allowed for a maximum of 30 minutes
- Drop off and pick up is allowed for a maximum of five minutes.
Car parking conditions for vehicles
All vehicles are parked at the owners own risk.
Healthscope will not accept liability for any damage to, or loss of property from, any vehicle parked in the car park or for personal injuries incurred by users of the car park.
If you do not accept these terms, you must not park in the car park.
- All users of the car parking facilities at Northpark Private must ensure they drive safely, considerately and in accordance with the law and all signage displayed on site
- Park only in designated car parking spaces or as directed by the car park attendant
- All rules displayed must be obeyed
- Accept that the rules for use of the car park applies to all users and that violations may attract penalties
- Follow any reasonable directions given by car parking attendants
- Accept responsibility for the security of their vehicle and any possessions left in it while parked on site
Disabled parking
Northpark Private Hospital has designated disabled bays located in the front car park of the main hospital.
Vehicles must display a valid blue disabled permit and must park in designated disabled bays.
Wheelchairs can be borrowed from the hospital. Speak to our front reception staff who will arrange with volunteers to bring a wheelchair, subject to availability.
Any vehicle found to be parked illegally within hospital grounds will be issued an Infringement Notice in accordance with the Road Safety Act 1986 or Infringements Act 2006. Our car park attendants are able to assist you with queries, car parking problems, purchase of tickets and directions. They can be contacted between 06.30am and 18.00pm weekday (excluding public holidays) by approaching an attendance (identified by their uniforms)
Café-Jamaica Blue
Jamaica Blue is open during the following times:
- Weekdays- 7:30am-4pm
- Saturdays-8:00am-1pm
- Sundays- Closed
- Public Holidays- Closed
Tram and bus routes are located in Plenty Rd at the front of the hospital for convenient access. Please refer to the Public Transport Victoria website for further information on bus routes and schedules.
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