What to bring
We suggest that you have your bag packed by 36 weeks. Here’s a handy list to tick off, as you pack.
For Mum
- Pregnancy Information Record
- Health fund/Medicare card
- Blood group card
- Pre natal information from your obstetrician
- Old nightgown/T-shirt for labour
- Nightware/Nighties/dressing gown
- Comfortable casual clothing and footwear
- Toiletries
- Tissues
- One box of nursing pads
- Super sanitary pads
- Maternity bras and briefs
- Enough money for incidentals
For your new baby
- 5 nightgowns or growsuits
- 5 singlets
- Nappy change lotion, bath lotion or pure soap (if desired)
- Mittens, booties and dummy (optional)
- Cardigans and beanies (optional)
- Cotton wool balls
- Baby wraps
- Small amount of spare nappies for discharge
- Approved child restraint on discharge. This is required by law.
For your birthing partner
- Change of clothes
- Pyjamas
- Toiletries
Baby photography
We have a professional photographer onsite three times a week. They’ll visit you to discuss taking some memorable photos.
Newborn screening test
This test is performed on all babies born in Australia once they are 48 hours old. The procedure involves taking four spots of blood from either heel. The test detects metabolic disorders that, unless treated, can affect your baby’s development. We’ll give you a brochure before the test is completed and make sure you understand and give consent.
Hearing test
The team from the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) is here twice a week to carry out the hearing test on your baby. The Victorian Statewide Infant Screening Hearing (VISHP) program is offered to all babies and takes 10–20 minutes. Sometimes a hearing test needs to be performed once you’ve gone home with baby, and if so we can arrange this appointment for you.
Green Book
After the birth of your baby we’ll give you the Maternal Child Health Nurse Green Book. It needs to stay with baby during your hospital stay so we can complete medical records before you’re discharged. In it, we’ll record your baby’s growth, development, medical history and immunisations. Please take this with you to all of your baby’s future health appointments.
Birth registration
During your stay, we’ll give you the forms to register the birth of your baby and claim maternity allowance. It’s essential you take these home with you as they cannot be redistributed. You have 60 days to register your baby’s birth at www.bdm.vic.gov.au
Lactation consultant
We have a lactation consultant available onsite two days a week. They provide expert advice about feeding baby and is here to help, support and give practical advice.
Personalised care board
You’ll find a personalised care board in your room, used by us as another way to keep you and your family involved in your care. It’s updated regularly by our health professionals. Please use it to jot down reminders and questions to ask your doctor or midwife.
Servicing your room
We aim for hotel standards in terms of cleanliness of your room. If you need towels changed, additional toiletries or the room cleaned, just let us know.
Hospital amenities
There is a Hudson’s café on the ground floor of the hospital, which also stocks a small variety of general gifts.
Wi-Fi is available throughout the hospital.